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Only For You 只屬於您

Only For You 只屬於您

Specially tailor-made for you with your favorite flavour and materials. 按個人喜好的香味及材料訂製只屬於您的潤唇膏

firenze's lip balm

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Shea Butter 乳木果脂

Shea Butter 乳木果脂

Shea butter removes dryness by moisturizing the skin deep into the layers. It contains fatty acids which help in retaining the skin moisture as well as maintaining skin elasticity. 蘊含豐富維他命A﹠E,具修護及滋潤功效,深入肌膚去除乾燥, 其脂肪酸保留肌膚水分維持皮膚彈性。

Natural Oils 植物油份

Natural Oils 植物油份

Olive Oil 橄欖油 ﹣ A good moisturizer, well-nourished, making the skin dewy-soft and glowing. 良好保濕劑能滋潤皮膚、促進新陳代謝、保持肌膚光滑柔嫩。 Grapeseed Oil 葡萄籽油 ﹣ Very easily absorbed by the skin, moisture and repair the tissues. 很容易被皮膚吸收,滋潤和修復組織。 Sweet Almond Oil 甜杏仁油 ﹣ Absorbed by skin quickly and helps to repair dry, cracked and flaky skin. 迅速被皮膚吸收,幫助修復乾燥,龜裂和脫皮現象,改善膚質。

White Beedwax 白蜂蠟

White Beedwax 白蜂蠟

Extraordinarily emollient, smoothing and softening, helps skin retain moisture. Anti-bacterial properties and vitamin A. 滋養保濕,增加皮膚彈性及柔軟性,幫助肌膚留住水分。具抗菌特性和維他命A,不造成任何敏感。

Cocoa Butter 可可脂

Cocoa Butter 可可脂

Cocoa Butter with a good cocoa flavor, moisturizes skin, makes the skin soft and is easily absorbed by the skin,without blocking any air. 含有豐富脂肪能潤澤和柔軟皮膚,容易被皮膚吸收不阻塞任何空氣。有光澤和可可香氣,舒緩,適合敏感肌使用。

Yellow Beeswax 黃蜂蠟

Yellow Beeswax 黃蜂蠟

Extraordinarily emollient, smoothing and softening, helps skin retain moisture. Anti-bacterial properties and vitamin A. 滋養保濕,增加皮膚彈性及柔軟性,幫助肌膚留住水分。具抗菌特性和維他命A,不造成任何敏感。

Vitamin E Oil 維他命E油

Vitamin E Oil 維他命E油

Vitamin E oil has an amazing anti-aging effect on skin. Its antioxidant properties further fight off damaging effects of free radicals, and minimizes the chances of appearances of new wrinkles. 維他命E油對皮膚有驚人的抗衰老作用。其抗氧化性能對抗自由基的破壞作用,減少皺紋出現的機會。

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